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Joanne's Personal Training Sessions

45 minWellness Department

Service Description

-- SKILLS/CERTS -- Certificate III in Fitness Certificate IV in Fitness Bachelor of Food Science and Technology -- SPECIALTIES -- Reduce Body Fat Develop Muscle Tone Refine Posture Enhance Cardio Endurance Evidence-Based Nutrition Practices Female Sculpting Pre and Post Natal -- IDEAL CLIENT -- Weight management Body shape Pre/ Post Natal/ Birth Mandarin speakers -- ABOUT ME -- Hello my beautiful people! My name is Joanne, I'm a personal trainer with a background in nutrition. The job I'm doing now is the job I love the most. I hope to forever develop myself on this path as a PT in order to help everyone achieve a healthy, young looking energetic body. My work ethic is do what you love for work; and never work a day in your life. I believe a healthy lifestyle is more than just lifting weights. It’s about healthy eating habits, personalised programming, proper recovery and a lot more. There is no shortcut to fitness, just evidence-based practices based in science. I promise to be your companion on your health and fitness journey! \ 亲爱的朋友们,我是Joanne,一个有着十五年营养学背景的澳大利亚注册健身教练。我正在从事着自己最热爱的工作,无止境地在专业上精进并帮助更多的朋友获得健康年轻、充满活力的身体是我毕生的追求。 强健的体魄远不止我们能够举起的那个重量,还有健康均衡的饮食习惯、适合个人的训练计划、适当的休息和积极乐观的心态等等。除了被实践论证过的科学方式,健身之路没有花哨的捷径,希望我就是你健身道路上那个可靠的伙伴。

Contact Details

  • 390 Forest Road, Hurstville NSW, Australia

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